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Filitosa Stone Row.
Actually five stones in a semi_circle around an ancient olive tree

Filitosa Menhirs

[700 x 465 jpg]

Submitted byTerryStaniforth
AddedJan 12 2005
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Filitosa Stone Row.
Actually five stones in a semi_circle around an ancient olive tree

Posted Comments:

Thorgrim (2005-01-12)
What is the mound behind the olive tree? Super photo with excellent light and the foreground flowers add colour and depth
Bone man (2005-01-12)
I think it is the start of a spur of land that leads up to the quarry behind, however looking at the photo, there does appear to be an artificial mound. I didn't see it at the time. There are some really good parnoramic images on this website http://www.stonepages.com/corsica/images.html
enkidu41 (2005-01-13)
One much larger mound, also surrounded by statue menhirs, was found to contain an altar standing in several layers of ashes indicating the burning of organic matter. There were also many fragments indicating the ritual offering of clay vessels. It is likely that this is similar. The significance of the "sentinels" cannot be known for certain but they may just follow the Iberian (noted by Aristotle) and Chinese practice of representing in permanent petrified form the spirits of the slain being put into the victorious chieftain's service after the latter's death. It should be noted that some of these Filitosan statue menhirs have swords and daggers carved on them indicating warrior status.
AngieLake (2005-01-13)
Seeing this lovely photo makes me long for summer! (OK - a GOOD British summer!)
Martin L (2009-02-16)
None of the menhirs is in situ. All were excavated at different locations and placed here for presentation. So there are no "circles" or "mounds". The mound is just a geological feature nothing artifical.

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